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Warsaw School of Business & Finance
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Health, Safety and Welfare Policy

Provide resources for those officers responsible for operational health, safety and welfare.

It is intended that most health and safety at work matters should be dealt with promptly within the areas, involving discussion with and, where appropriate, remedial action. Only in exceptional circumstances will it be necessary to refer matters to the Health and Safety Committee. The Committee, which will meet at least once per term, will formulate general safety policy and will review and monitor statistics in relation to health, safety and welfare across the College and its activities.
  • 1. Aim, Objective or Purpose of the Policy

  • 1.1 The purpose of this policy is to outline the College’s approach to proactively managing its responsibilities and developing and improving practices for providing a safe and healthy workplace and for ensuring the welfare of College staff, students and visitors. In so doing it is the College’s aim to:
  • Fully comply with all relevant health and safety legislation;
  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those using the facilities of the College is protected;
  • Provide governors, staff, students, contractors and visitors with easy access to information and advice with regard to health, safety and welfare;
  • Seek to develop best practice in the management of health and safety;
  • Review and develop practice to ensure continuous improvement.
  • 2. Scope of Policy

  • To achieve this the College will:
  • 2.1 Ensure that governors, staff, students contractors and visitors understand their responsibilities in contributing to a safe and healthy working environment. Annex A to this policy outlines responsibilities of all parties;
  • 2.2 Provide a range of training, instruction and information, including a Health and Safety Handbook (available in alternative formats or languages where required, on request) which supplements this Policy with further detail, for all employees in matters relating to health and safety at work;
  • 2.3 Take reasonable steps to ensure that the College environment is safe, with safe access and egress to and from College buildings;
  • 2.4 Take reasonable steps to ensure that College buildings, plant and equipment are safe for their intended purpose;
  • 2.5 Take reasonable steps to ensure that safe systems of work are in place;
  • 2.6 Assess work placements for those undertaking work experience or on the job training as part of College programmes to ensure that they provide a safe and healthy work environment;
  • 2.7 Check that appropriate health and safety policies exist in other organisations which College staff use as their primary employment base;
  • 2.8 Provide a separate detailed policy which provides guidance on the management of health and safety for lone workers;
  • 2.9 Undertake risk assessments and plan to mitigate against risk
  • 2.10 Assess and review hazards to minimise impact, and record findings;
  • 2.11 Undertake an annual fire risk assessment and action plan, reviewed by the Senior Management Team and the Corporation, and reported to the County Fire Officer.
  • 2.12 Undertake an annual health and safety inspection and action plan, reviewed by the Senior Management Team and the Corporation.
  • 2.13 Ensure that appropriate health and welfare procedures and practices for staff exist.
  • 2.14 Provide a range of health and welfare services, where appropriate (and within resource constraints) to students to support their retention, achievement and progression.
  • 2.15 Convene a Health and Safety Committee which advises on matters relating to health and safety, and which carries out the duties assigned to it in accordance the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
  • 2.16 Work with recognised Trades Unions’ safety representatives.
  • 2.17 Provide resources for those officers responsible for operational health, safety and welfare management to obtain mandatory professional updating, in line with the College’s Staff Training and Development policy.
  • 2.18 Identify best practice (both internally and externally) in health and safety management, and share this practice to improve health, safety and welfare operations internally.
  • 3. Responsibilities

  • See Annex A
  • 4. References

  • Health and Safety Handbook
  • Relevant Health, Safety and Welfare procedures including but not restricted to:
  • fire evacuation
  • first aid
  • bomb threats
  • working with asbestos
  • personal and protective equipment
  • display screen equipment
  • lone worker policy
  • risk assessment
  • Communicable Disease policy
  • 5. Monitoring Arrangements

  • 5.1 The Health & Welfare Manager and Health and Safety Officer will monitor thisPolicy annually.
  • 8. Enquiries and Change Control

  • 8.1 All enquiries relating to the content of this document should be directed to the owning author.
  • 8. Enquiries and Change Control

  • 8.1 All enquiries relating to the content of this document should be directed to the owning author.
Additional Information (including Impact Assessment Issues)
  • 9. Any Associated Objectives relating to other Policies

  • 10. Outcomes supporting other Policies or Objectives and methods of support of those Policies or Objectives

  • 11. Main Beneficiaries and Benefits

  • Staff, students, contractors, visitors
  • 12. Other Main Stakeholders

  • Corporation, corporate partners
  • 13. Cross references to other similar Policies from similar organisations (where relevant)

Document History:



  • The Corporation

  • The Corporation has overall responsibility for the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy within the College.
  • The Principal/Chief Executive

  • Responsibility for the implementation of the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy within the College lies with the Principal/Chief Executive.
  • The Senior Management Team

  • Members of Senior Management Team are to:
  • a.ensure that the College is so organised that any risks to members of staff, students, contractors, visitors and members of the public or to property can be assessed and that the necessary protective measures are identified and implemented;
  • b.ensure that all staff are made aware that all defective equipment, plant, premises and hazards associated with the working environment must be removed or the hazard controlled by putting into practice the procedures identified;
  • c.ensure that all staff are properly instructed, informed and trained in their duties and responsibilities as part of the general programme of staff development;
  • d.set a personal example and encourage a safe attitude towards work amongst all employees and keep safety under constant review.
  • The Health and Safety Officer

  • The role of the Health and Safety Officer is:
  • a.to advise the Principal/Chief Executive, on all matters of safety;
  • b.to advise, monitor and implement the general safety programme in conjunction with the Chair of the Health & Safety Committee;
  • c.to carry out a regular programme of inspections and assessments on behalf of the Chair of the Safety Committee and the Principal/Chief Executive and pre-pare reports;
  • d.to analyse accident reports, and prepare an annual report for the Health and Safety Committee;
  • e.to carry out regular inspections and assessments, as requested, with recognised Trade Union Safety Representatives;
  • f.to provide a link with the appropriate inspectorates of the enforcing Authority and recommend outside consultancy if required, for any assessments;
  • g.to establish and monitor First Aid procedures in conjunction with the Head of Learner Services.;
  • h.to establish and monitor Emergency/Fire procedures in conjunction with the Head of Facilities & Estates;
  • i.to set a personal example and encourage a safe attitude towards work amongst all staff and students, contractors, visitors and members of the public
  • Work Based Learning Health and Safety Adviser

  • a.to carry out regular health and safety inspections and assessments on external work based providers/organisations. On behalf of the Chair of the Safety Committee and the Principal/Chief Executive, pre¬pare reports on the health and safety compliance of said organisations.
  • Health & Welfare Manager

  • a.Advise SMT through Head of Learner Services of strategic issues that collectively affect student health.
  • b.Provide a wide range of health advice for student to support their recruitment, retention and achievement.
  • c.Develop service provision in partnership with students to meet the needs of students.
  • d.Act as a resource for enquiries about student health needs
  • e.Develop partnerships with external agencies that support student health.
  • f.Act as a safeguarding entrance point for vulnerable adults and students.
  • Welfare Adviser

  • a.Advise SMT through Head of Learner Services of strategic issues that collectively affects student welfare.
  • b.Provide a wide range of welfare advice to students to support their ongoing recruitment, retention and achievement.
  • a.Engage in partnership development with external agency’s that support student welfare.
  • d.Act as a resource for enquiries about student welfare.
  • e.Develop service provision in partnership with students to meet the needs of students.
  • Safety Representatives

  • Trade Union Representatives

  • a.are appointed by the recognised trade unions.
  • b.should carry out the functions as defined in the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations (1996) and, in particular, assist communications between the members they represent, Heads of Services, the Health and Safety Committee and the Health and Safety Officer;
  • c.should be able to assist in dealing with problems for non-members involving health and safety when asked to do so in accordance with the agreed College Health and Safety procedures and Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996;
  • d.should carry out regular inspections of the workplace in association with the College Health and Safety Officer;
  • e.should set a personal example and encourage a safe attitude towards work amongst all staff and students.
  • College Safety Representatives

  • The Principal/Chief Executive, through the Senior Management Team, will nominate staff to carry out duties of the Safety Representative on behalf of the College, without prejudice to the Principal/Chief Executive’s responsibilities. These duties would include ensuring that all departments follow Health and Safety Legislation as required.
  • Student Representative

  • a) The elected Health, Safety and Welfare Officer of the Student’s Union in partnership with the Health & Welfare department, to lead on Health and Welfare issues that address student needs.
  • b) By invitation to sit on Health & Safety Committee meetings.
  • All Staff

  • All staff, have a duty to act with reasonable care to ensure the health and safety of themselves, students and members of the public and have an obligation to co-operate with the College under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
  • All Students

  • All students have a duty to:
  • Act with reasonable care to ensure the Health & Safety of themselves and others
  • Use equipment and facilities as intended and recommended by manufacturer
  • Follow instructions provided by members of staff in relation to their health and safety whilst on College premises, trips or College transport.
  • The College Health and Safety Committee

  • It is intended that most health and safety at work matters should be dealt with promptly within the areas, involving discussion with and, where appropriate, remedial action. Only in exceptional circumstances will it be necessary to refer matters to the Health and Safety Committee. The Committee, which will meet at least once per term, will formulate general safety policy and will review and monitor statistics in relation to health, safety and welfare across the College and its activities.