Share good internal verification practice between verifiers within the curriculum area and beyond.
Ensure that all assessments are verified as fit for purpose, appropriate and consistent with the unit and qualification before being issued to the learner, provide guidance on preparing for external validation of provision and expect that such guidance will be complied with.
It is the College’s intention to ensure that learners’ work is fairly and appropriated assessed to college and awarding organisation standards and in line with relevant guidance and codes of practice. In so doing it is the College’s intention to:
Ensure that internal verification is valid and reliable
Ensure that internal verification procedures are open, fair and free from bias
Ensure that there is accurate and detailed recording of IV decisions
In order to achieve this, the College will:
1. ensure that staff are appropriately trained, and clear about their responsibilities, for internal verification;
2. ensure that all assessments are verified as fit for purpose, appropriate and consistent with the unit and qualification before being issued to the learner;
3. ensure that course teams plan an annual internal verification schedule which links to assessment plans;
4. ensure that such plans allow for timely internal verification, and that plans are adhered to;
5. verify an appropriately structured sample of assessor work from all programmes, sites and teams to ensure that all programmes conform to national standards and guidance/codes of practice;
6. ensure that verification decisions are consistent, impartial, valid and reliable, through standardisation meetings or other approved means;
7. maintain accurate and detailed records of verification activity and keep them for a period of at least three years, or longer if required by particular circumstances;
8. provide support for staff undertaking internal verification, including staff development, handbooks, guidance and one to one support;
9. share good internal verification practice between verifiers within the curriculum area and beyond (where appropriate);
9. share good internal verification practice between verifiers within the curriculum area and beyond (where appropriate);
10. provide the resources necessary to ensure that verification can be performed accurately and appropriately;
11. provide guidance on preparing for external validation of provision and expect that such guidance will be complied with.