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Warsaw School of Business & Finance
Providing the best education with distinguished educators at WSBF!

Message From Chairman

I welcome you to the world of WSBF a world that Excellence and Passion built.

People say we regularly add new milestones, I would say all significant ones. I welcome you to the world of WSBF a world that Excellence and Passion built. Excellence and Passion for our students and colleagues. We are fanatic about our service beliefs and simply live for our students. We give reason for hope and cause for celebration. At WSBF, the takeaways are clear.

There is a famous saying, ‘It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog that counts.’

I guess that elucidates it all.

When I started this institution, I decided it shouldn’t be just another College. I wanted it to be a college that gives career oriented tools, education that conquers, ideas that transform, knowledge that innovates, skills that become a brand for its students. And it’s great to witness that purpose is being fulfilled and we proudly continue to add value in the education sector for National and International students. WSBF stays abreast of new developments in technologies and learning systems so as to give our students the skills and attributes they need to succeed in a global work environment. We strive to develop graduates who are prepared for the future, ready for the changing needs of workplace and trained for a successful corporate life of unabashed passion.

People say we regularly add new milestones, I would say all significant ones. I welcome you to the world of WSBF a world that Excellence and Passion built. Excellence and Passion for our students and colleagues. We are fanatic about our service beliefs and simply live for our students. We give reason for hope and cause for celebration. At WSBF, the takeaways are clear.

Welcome to Poland.

Best Regards,


Norman Clayton